Annual Meetings

Our 2024 Annual Meeting will be held 4-6 July 2024 in Santiago, Chile at the InterContinental Hotel Santiago.

Registration is NOW CLOSED. Presenters with accepted submissions needed to register by the presenter deadline to remain on the program (28 March 2024). We will take on-site registrations as space permits.

**Guidelines and requirements relating to travel can change frequently.  Please check the up-to-date requirements for travel to/from Chile here.**


Conference Theme: Dismantling Democracy: Insecurity, emotions and authoritarian populism

President: Catarina Kinnvall (Lund University, Sweden)
Program Co-chairs: Molly Andrews (University College London), Neil Ferguson (Liverpool Hope University), Siugmin Lay, (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)

Submission Deadline: 29 November 2023

Our Call for Papers can be viewed HERE.


Catarina Kinnvall, ISPP President, Lund University, Sweden: Presidential Address: Grievances as Loss: Ontological insecurity, postcolonial melancholia, and masculinism. This presentation will address the particular narratives and discourses that respond to increased feelings of uncertainty, anxiety and fear, so called ‘ontological insecurities’, and their connections to postcolonial imaginaries of increasingly authoritarian polities. I discuss how such narratives and discourses are emotionally governed and psychoanalytically resonant in their focus on imaginary pasts and futures and how they are accelerated by the ubiquity of hybrid media that have allowed for increasingly populist authoritarian forces to efficiently spread their emotional messages. In the presentation I spell out how specific grievances and attachments are being rethought, re-justified and reimagined through postcolonial pasts and practices, and how narratives of ‘trauma’, ‘nationhood’ and ‘masculinism’ explain the desires, violence and ruptures involved in postcolonial bordering and gendered subject formation. In addition, I discuss how, and to what extent, resistance is possible.

Elizabeth Lira, Alberto Hurtado University, Chile: Reparation and Recognition of victims of human rights violations. The year 2023 marked the 50th anniversary of the military coup in Chile that led to a 17-year dictatorship characterized by human rights violations. The violence resulted in thousands of victims, prisoners and tortured, victims of forced disappearance and extrajudicial executions. The talk will be a reflection on the process of recognition and reparation of the victims and their families as part of the policies of the transition from dictatorship to democratic government through the establishment of truth, justice, and memory, which today constitute transdisciplinary fields of research, professional practices, and political action.

Agustín Espinosa, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú: Democratic Weakening from Citizen Decision-Making: Political Moral Laxity as a Consequence of Perverse Political Socialization. Political structures and dynamics characterized by a high prevalence of structural violence, corruption and systemic malfunctioning, as in the case of some Latin American societies, seem to produce in citizens reasonings such as “all politicians are the same so it is acceptable to vote for a candidate who steals, but do the work” or “it is right to vote for those politicians we consider as the ‘lesser evil.'” The above shows that the political systems to which we are exposed act as socializing forces with a potential impact on how we will position ourselves before the public, the collective, the private and the individual as dimensions of the political. Types of reasoning such as those mentioned previously have been systematized and have allowed the coining of the concept of Political Moral Laxity, which comprises “a set of beliefs and political attitudes of citizens who tolerate, and even favor, dishonest, transgressive and corrupt actions carried out by politicians and authorities.” Although these actions could individually or collectively benefit those who accept them, they can cause harm or damage to other citizens and society in general, establishing tensions between the private and the public, where the latter is constantly left aside.  This presentation will emphasize the social conditions in which Political Moral Laxity occurs and gains strength, as well as, the potential consequences it has for democracy.

Submission: The submission process for the 2024 Annual Meeting is now CLOSED. Each individual is limited to presenting two papers, but can participate in the conference up to four times in total (the other two times to present a poster, participate in a roundtable, or serve as a Discussant). The deadline to submit abstracts was EXTENDED to 29 November 2023. This is a hard deadline, and there will be no further extension. Notifications of acceptance/rejection will be sent in January or February 2024.

Please be sure to note any scheduling requests/notes when you submit your proposal (ex., do not schedule on first day). We will consider all requests, but cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate everyone.

*Please note that talks in the Spanish/Portuguese section can cover any topic relevant to political psychology. However, presentations must be delivered in either Spanish OR Portuguese, and there will be no live translation. If you plan to submit within this section, please ensure that your presentations meet this language requirement. Additionally, for panels/roundtables within this theme, presentations must be entirely in Spanish OR Portuguese.

For questions regarding the submission process, scheduling, and other matters related to the content of the program, please contact the 2024 Program Chairs. For questions regarding the venue, lodging, and conference logistics, please contact ISPP’s Central Office.

SECTION CHAIRS: Click HERE for a list of the 2024 Section Chairs.


All presenters at ISPP’s 2024 Annual Meeting will be provided notification and will need to agree to terms regarding the use of copyrighted materials within their presentations during the submission process. That notice can be viewed HERE as well.


For those who will be presenting posters, please note that the usable area of the poster boards will be 95 cm x 231 cm (37.4015748 inches x 90.9448819 inches; 3.117 feet x7.579 feet). The boards are taller than they are wide (see THIS DIAGRAM). Posters will be affixed with pins/tacks, which will be provided for you. You will be able to put up your poster the morning of 5 July (the day of the Poster Session), and all posters must be taken down at the conclusion of the Poster Session. Any posters remaining at the time the boards will be removed will be thrown away. Thank you for your cooperation.


Please see THIS LINK for visa information and useful links. All accepted submitters will receive a link to a visa letter in their acceptance or standby e-mail notification. If you are not a submitter and require a visa letter from ISPP to attend the conference, please contact the ISPP Central Office.


Please see our EVENT SITE for more information and details about the plans for our meeting in Santiago.


The conference schedule is available online HERE. Please note that the online schedule is NOT searchable. You can search the schedule on the conference app (login required).

The full conference program booklet PDF is available HERE.


The meeting will be held at the InterContinental Hotel Santiago. The ISPP block of guest rooms at discounted rates of $155 USD (Single or Double), plus applicable taxes. You can now make reservations at ISPP’s special rate HERE. Please note that you can make your reservation as long as the hotel has availability. A payment card is needed for a guarantee; you can cancel your reservation at no charge more than seven (7) days prior to your arrival. PLEASE BEWARE OF ANYONE CONTACTING YOU AND OFFERING TO MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS FOR YOU – THEY ARE NOT WORKING WITH ISPP. See below for more details.

**Guidelines and requirements relating to travel can change frequently.  Please check the up-to-date requirements for travel to/from Chile here.**

**OFFICIAL COMMUNICATIONS WILL COME ONLY FROM ISPP** Please Note: ISPP is not working with any third-party company regarding travel or lodging – all arrangements will be made by attendees directly with the airline of their choice, and directly with the conference hotel using the link that is provided on this page.


Registration is NOW CLOSED. We will have on-site registration as space allows, but please note that the Mentoring Lunch and receptions have limited capacities, and on-site registration for these events may not be unavailable. Presenters with accepted submissions needed to register by the presenter deadline to remain on the program (28 March 2024).

All conference attendees are required to sign a release form. The release can be viewed HERE.

ISPP can accept payments by debit/credit cards of Visa, Master Card, Discover, and American Express; by personal check from U.S. banks; and by international money orders in U.S. Dollars only. We regret that we are unable to accept bank transfers, due to the high fees charged by U.S. banks for transfers.

Registration Fees for ISPP 2024 for Low Income $0-$15,000 USD/year:
Early Registration (ends 28 March 2024) Late/On-Site Registration
ISPP Full Members $195 $225
Non-Members $215 $245
Registration Fees for ISPP 2024 for Medium-Low Income $15,001-$30,000 USD/year:
Early Registration (ends 28 March 2024) Late/On-Site Registration
ISPP Full Members $225 $255
Non-Members $265 $295
Registration Fees for ISPP 2024 for Medium Income $30,001-$50,000 USD/year:
Early Registration (ends 28 March 2024) Late/On-Site Registration
ISPP Full Members $275 $305
Non-Members $335 $365
Registration Fees for ISPP 2024 for Medium-high Income $50,001-$90,000 USD/year:
Early Registration (ends 28 March 2024) Late/On-Site Registration
ISPP Full Members $350 $380
Non-Members $430 $460
Registration Fees for ISPP 2024 for High Income $90,001-$120,000 USD/year:
Early Registration (ends 28 March 2024) Late/On-Site Registration
ISPP Full Members $375 $405
Non-Members $495 $525
Registration Fees for ISPP 2024 for Very High Income $120,00+ USD/year:
Early Registration (ends 28 March 2024) Late/On-Site Registration
ISPP Full Members $425 $455
Non-Members $575 $605
Registration Fees for ISPP 2024 for Additional Categories:
Early Registration (ends 28 March 2024) Late/On-Site Registration
Student Members $195 $225
Student Non-Members $215 $245
Volunteers $35 $35
Local Attendees - No Presentations $20 Student, $30 Academic Professional $20 Student, $30 Academic Professional

Currency Converter

Registration fees include: admission to the full conference and social/networking sessions as space permits. The Mentoring Lunch is also free of charge to mentees, and is limited to 75 mentees and 25 mentors, to allow for the best interaction and exchanges. We apologize if we are unable to accommodate you this year.


It’s almost time!  We hope that you are excited to join us.  As we are now so close to the event, here are a few reminders:

  1. This is ISPP’s first time in South America, and July is not summer there – it’s winter.  Please pack accordingly, and leave those summer dresses and suits at home!  It is also advisable to bring an umbrella/appropriate footwear for frequent rains.
  2. There are several situations in the world at the moment that are of a political nature to varying degrees, and these topics can be quite controversial and stir emotions.  There may be presentations on these topics during the conference, and we ask everyone to please remember that ISPP welcomes all viewpoints, and please behave professionally and respectfully throughout the event so that everything can run smoothly, and everyone can have a positive experience.
  3. We hope no such situation should arise, but should anyone experience harassment, threats, or other inappropriate incidents during the conference, we ask that you please report it to the Conduct Committee ISPP has established for this event.  You can find the committee members and details on how to report incidents in the conference program PDF, and a reporting form is on the ISPP web site at  

We look forward to welcoming you to Santiago and having an enjoyable and productive conference!


The Mentoring Luncheon is organized annually to facilitate one-on-one meetings between early career scholars and leading academics and researchers in their field. One of the main goals of this event is to facilitate long-term connections, for career development and research advice beyond the individual’s supervisors’ at her or his respective institution. This event has attracted increasing numbers of participants over the years, as emerging scholars recognize the value of engaging with leading researchers in a relaxing and informal atmosphere. The leading scholars provide their time on a voluntary basis, which is highly appreciated by the early career scholars. Opportunities to volunteer as a mentor or to sign up as an early career scholar are usually announced in the early part of each year. Announcements are made on the website, and invitations are sent out via email to ISPP members. If you or someone you know might be interested in volunteering as a mentor or attending as a “mentee”, please do get in touch via email.

IMPORTANT: Please note that due to limitations, this event can accommodate only 100 total persons. Registering for the lunch when you register for the conference does NOT guarantee your participation in the Mentoring Luncheon. You will need to receive confirmation of your registration for this event from the luncheon organizers.


The application process for the 2024 ISPP Academy is for 2024 is CLOSED. Please see THIS PAGE for more details about the Academy.


ISPP will again be offering Travel Grants to Early Career Scholars. Grants will reimburse travel and lodging costs associated with attending the conference, up to the amount designated for each awardee (Note: registration fees are not reimbursable). Please see THIS PAGE for more details; the application process for 2024 is NOW CLOSED. The application deadline was 5 March 2024.

*Registration prices are subject to change between August of the year prior to the conference through February of the year of the conference to adjust to updated venue pricing.

*Please note that photographs/screen shots and video are taken during the course of the conferences. These images may be used in ISPP marketing materials, on the ISPP web site, and other products relating to ISPP. By attending, you consent to your image being used in ISPP-related materials.

*DISCLAIMER: ISPP does not guarantee the validity or accuracy of data and statements presented during its Annual Meeting.  Data and materials are prepared independently by those presenting their work and it is incumbent upon individual scholars to retract, update, and correct their content, or issue notices of such errors accordingly. ISPP disclaims any responsibility for any such errors.

*ISPP’s events provide learning, sharing ideas, knowledge, engagement, and we provide a welcoming environment for all. All sessions are monitored and harassment, intimidation, or inappropriate behavior of any kind toward any one participant or a group will not be tolerated. All attendees should behave professionally.  ISPP reserves the right to deny registration or to remove an ISPP conference attendee at any time for reasons, in its sole discretion, it deems sufficient.