Podcasts of Recent Research


View podcasts relating to recent articles in Political Psychology:

Michael Bang Petersen, Lene Aarøe, Niels Holm Jensen, and Oliver Curry: “Social Welfare and the Psychology of Food Sharing: Short-Term Hunger Increases Support for Social Welfare.”

Todd Lucas, Cort Rudolph, Ludmila Zhdanova, Evone Barkho, and Nathan Weidner: “Distributive Justice for Others, Collective Angst, and Support for Exclusion of Immigrants.”

Cengiz Erisen presents findings from the article, “Affective Contagion in Effortful Political Thinking.”

Lucian Gideon Conway III presents findings of the Symposium on Automated Integrative Complexity.

Thomas Zeitzoff presents findings from his article, “Anger, Exposure to Violence, and Intragroup Conflict.”

Monica C. Schneider and Angela L. Bos present Measuring Stereotypes of Female Politicians.

Kevin B. Smith presents Genetic and Environmental Transmission of Political Orientation.

Eric Groenendyk presents Emotional Rescue: How Affect Helps Partisans Overcome Collective Action Problems

Political Psychology Special Issue — The Obama Presidency

Editor-in-Chief Alex Mintz and co-Editor David Redlawsk discuss the Political Psychology special issue on the Obama Presidency. For more information, visit Political Psychology’s Wiley Online Library homepage at: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291467-9221