July 11-13, 2020
Virtual Meeting
Session | Date | Time Slot | Instructor |
Breakout 1 | 11 July 2022 | 8:00 AM — 9:00 AM EDT (12:00 PM — 1:00 PM GMT) | George E. Marcus |
Breakout 2 | 11 July 2022 | 9:30 AM — 10:30 AM EDT (1:30 PM — 2:30 PM GMT) | Jennifer Jerit |
Breakout 3 | 11 July 2022 | 11:00 AM — 12:00 PM EDT (3:00 PM — 4:00 PM GMT) | Joanne Miller |
Breakout 4 | 11 July 2022 | 12:30 PM — 1:30 PM EDT (4:30 PM — 5:30 PM GMT) | Stanley Feldman |
Breakout 5 | 12 July 2022 | 8:00 AM — 9:00 AM EDT (12:00 PM — 1:00 PM GMT) | Felicia Pratto |
Breakout 6 | 12 July 2022 | 9:30 AM — 10:30 AM EDT (1:30 PM — 2:30 PM GMT) | Erin Cassese |
Breakout 7 | 12 July 2022 | 11:00 AM — 12:00 PM EDT (3:00 PM — 4:00 PM GMT) | Nick Wheeler |
Breakout 8 | 12 July 2022 | 12:30 PM — 1:30 PM EDT (4:30 PM — 5:30 PM GMT) | Johanna Dunaway |
Breakout 9 | 13 July 2022 | 9:00 AM — 10:00 AM EDT (1:00 PM — 2:00 PM GMT) | Leonie Huddy |
Breakout 10 | 13 July 2022 | 10:30 AM — 11:30 AM EDT (2:30 PM — 3:30 PM GMT) | David Redlawsk |
Breakout 11 | 13 July 2022 | 12:00 PM — 1:00 PM EDT (4:00 PM — 5:00 PM GMT) | Tereza Capelos |

July 9-11, 2019
InterContinental Lisbon
Lisbon, Portugal
We are pleased to welcome you to the 9th Annual Summer Academy organized by the International Society of Political Psychology and co-sponsored by the ECPR Political Psychology Standing Group. This year, the Summer Academy is held in Lisbon, Portugal three days prior to the ISPP Annual Scientific Meeting.
The ISPP-SA is designed as a three-day workshop and aims to train interested faculty and students in both foundational and cutting-edge research in the area of political psychology. The Summer Academy’s central objective is to spread interest and promote training in political psychology around the world.
In 2019, the Summer Academy program features courses led by the following scholars: Tereza Capelos (University of Birmingham), Paula Castro (University Institute of Lisbon), Stanley Feldman (Stony Brook University), Leonie Huddy (Stony Brook University), Pedro Magalhães (University of Lisbon), George E. Marcus (Williams College), Felicia Pratto (University of Connecticutt), Kate Reynolds (Australian National University), and Nick Valentino (University of Michigan).
The topics covered at this year’s academy will include: political communication, social identity, elite decision-making, survey experimentation, international conflict, multiculturalism, terrorism, political leadership, and determinants of political attitudes. Fellows will attend an approximately two-hour seminar on teach topic, with additional 45 minute breakout sessions for further conversation on the lectures with the instructors.
Program Schedule
July 9th | |
Registration and Coffee | 8:00—8:30am |
Introduction and Overview (Chris Weber) | 8:30—9:00am |
Session 1: The Neuroscientific Foundations of Political Psychology (George E. Marcus) | 9:00—10:45am |
Breakout 1: w/ George E. Marcus | 10:45—11:30am |
Group Lunch | 11:30—1:00pm |
Session 2: Making the Case for Humans as Political Animals and Its Implications (Kate Reynolds) | 1:00—2:45pm |
Breakout 2: w/ Kate Reynolds | 2:45—3:30pm |
Afternoon Break | 3:30—3:45pm |
Session 3: Public Responses to Ecological and Climate Change Laws and Policies (Paula Castro) | 3:45—5:30pm |
Breakout 3: w/ Paula Castro | 5:30—6:15pm |
July 10th | |
Breakfast / Coffee | 8:00—8:30am |
Session 4: Political Influence of Group Identities (Leonie Huddy) | 8:30—10:15am |
Session 5: Authoritarianism and Political Conflict (Stanley Feldman) | 10:15—12:00pm |
Group Lunch | 12:00-1:30pm |
Breakout 4: w/ Leonie Huddy | 1:30—2:15pm |
Breakout 5: w/ Stanley Feldman | 2:15—3:00pm |
Afternoon Break | 3:00—3:15pm |
Session 6: Media and Political Psychology in the 21st Century (Nick Valentino) | 3:15—5:00pm |
Breakout 6: w/ Nick Valentino | 5:00—5:45pm |
Academy Dinner | 7:30pm |
July 11th | |
Coffee | 8:00—8:30am |
Session 7: Hot Politics: How Emotionality Shapes International Conflict (Tereza Capelos) | 8:30—10:15am |
Session 8: Procedural Fairness, Outcomes, and Support for Macro-Political Authorities (Pedro Magalhães) | 10:15—12:00pm |
Group Lunch | 12:00—1:30pm |
Breakout 7: w/ Tereza Capelos | 1:30—2:15pm |
Breakout 8: w/ Pedro Magalhães | 2:15—3:00pm |
Afternoon Break | 3:00—3:15pm |
Session 9: Political Dynamics (Felicia Pratto) | 3:15—5:00pm |
Breakout 9: w/ Felicia Pratto | 5:00—5:45pm |
Instructors and Courses
George E. Marcus
Course Title: The Neuroscientific Foundations of Political Psychology
Department of Political Science
Williams College
Kate Reynolds
Course Title: Making the Case for Humans as Political Animals and Its Implications
Research School of Psychology
Australian National University
Paula Castro
Course Title: Public Responses to Ecological and Climate Change Laws and Policies
Department of Social and Organi-zational Psychology
University Institute of Lisbon
Leonie Huddy
Course Title: Political Influence of Group Identities
Department of Political Science
Stony Brook University
Stanley Feldman
Course Title: Authoritarianism and Political Conflict
Department of Political Science
Stony Brook University
Nick Valentino
Course Title: Media and Political Psychology in the 21st Century
Department of Political Science
University of Michigan
Tereza Capelos
Course Title: Hot Politics: How Emotionality Shapes International Conflict
School of Government and Society
University of Birmingham
Pedro Magalhães
Course Title: Procedural Fairness, Outcomes, and Support for Macro-Political Authorities
Institute of Social Sciences
University of Lisbon
Felicia Pratto
Course Title: Political Dynamics
Department of Psychology
University of Connecticut
Committee Members
Dr. Christopher Weber (Director)
Dr. Tereza Capelos
Dr. Cengiz Erisen
Dr. Samara Klar
Damaris Braun
Valencia Grant
Adam Tabaka
Felipe Vilanova
Administrative Support:
Joshua Ridenour

July 2-4, 2018
Hilton Palacio Del Rio
San Antonio, TX
July 2nd | |
Registration and Coffee | 8:00—8:30am |
Introduction and Overview (Chris Weber) | 8:30—9:00am |
Session 1: Open Versus Closed: Personality, Identity, and the Politics of Redistribution (Howard Lavine) | 9:00—10:45am |
Breakout 1: w/ Howard Lavine | 10:45—11:30am |
Group Lunch | 11:30—1:00pm |
Session 2: Behavioral Decision Theory Experiments Using Dynamic Process Tracing (David Redlawsk) | 1:00—2:45pm |
Breakout 2: w/ David Redlawsk | 2:45—3:30pm |
Afternoon Break | 3:30—3:45pm |
Session 3: Psychological Understandings of Engaging and Disengaging Terrorism (Neil Ferguson) | 3:45—5:30pm |
Group Dinner | 6:30pm |
July 3rd | |
Breakfast / Coffee | 8:00—8:30am |
Breakout 3: w/ Neil Ferguson | 8:30—9:15am |
Session 4: Translations of Political Psychology to Experimental Designs (Nehemia Geva) | 9:15—11:00am |
Breakout 4: w/ Nehemia Geva | 11:00—11:45am |
Group Lunch | 11:45—1:00pm |
Session 5: Media Effects in the Changing Information Environment (Johanna Dunaway) | 1:00—2:45pm |
Breakout 5: w/ Johanna Dunaway | 2:45—3:30pm |
Afternoon Break | 3:30—3:45pm |
Session 6: Political Psychology and Leadership (Peg Hermann) | 3:45—5:30pm |
End of Day | 5:30pm |
July 4th | |
Coffee | 8:00—8:30am |
Breakout 6: w/ Peg Hermann | 8:30—9:15am |
Session 7: The Political Psychology of Conspiracy Theory Beliefs (Joanne Miller) | 9:15—11:00am |
Breakout 7: w/ Joanne Miller | 11:00—11:45am |
Group Lunch | 11:45—1:00pm |
Session 8: The Political Psychology of Multiculturalism (Catarina Kinnvall) | 1:00—2:45pm |
Breakout 8: w/ Catarina Kinnvall) | 2:45—3:30pm |
Summer Academy Roundtable | 3:30—4:15pm |
Instructors and Courses
Howard Lavine
Course Title: Open Versus Closed: Personality, Identity, and the Politics of Redistribution
College of Liberal Arts
University of Minnesota
David Redlawsk
Course Title: Behavioral Decision Theory Experiments Using Dynamic Process Tracing
Department of Political Science and International Relations
University of Delaware
Neil Ferguson
Course Title: Psychological Understandings of Engaging and Disengaging Terrorism
Department of Psychology
Liverpool Hope University
Nehemia Geva
Course Title: Translations of Political Psychology to Experimental Designs
Department of Political Science
Texas A&M University
Johanna Dunaway
Course Title: Media Effects in the Changing Information Environment
Department of Communication
Texas A&M University
Peg Hermann
Course Title: Political Psychology and Leadership
Department of Political Science
Syracuse University
Joanne Miller
Course Title: The Political Psychology of Conspiracy Theory Beliefs
College of Liberal Arts
University of Minnesota
Catrina Kinnvall
Course Title: The Political Psychology of Multiculturalism
Department of Political Science
Lund University
223 62 Lund, Sweden
Committee Members
Dr. Christopher Weber (Director)
Dr. Tereza Capelos
Dr. Cengiz Erisen
Dr. Samara Klar
Olga Mitina
Jessica Lorimer
Carolina Rocha
Administrative Support:
Joshua Ridenour

June 27-29, 2017
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
Edinburgh, Scotland
Program Schedule
June 27th | |
Registration and Coffee | 8:00—8:30am |
Introduction and Overview (Chris Weber) | 8:30—9:00am |
Session 1: The Neuroscientific Basis of Political Psychology (George E. Marcus) | 9:00—10:45am |
Breakout 1: w/ George E. Marcus | 10:45—11:30am |
Group Lunch / Break | 11:30—1:00pm |
Session 2: Individual and Contextual Explanations of Political Attitudes (Eva Green) | 1:00—2:45pm |
Breakout 2: w/ Eva Green | 2:45—3:30pm |
Afternoon Break | 3:30—3:45pm |
Session 3: Political Communication and the Media Effects Debate (Nick Valentino) | 3:45—5:30pm |
End of Day | 5:30pm |
June 28th | |
Coffee | 8:00—8:30am |
Breakout 3: w/ Nick Valentino | 8:30—9:15am |
Session 4: Population-Based Survey Experiments (Diana Mutz) | 9:15—11:00am |
Breakout 4: w/ Diana Mutz | 11:00—11:45am |
Group Lunch | 11:45—1:00pm |
Session 5: Open Versus Closed: Personality, Identity, and the Politics of Redistribution (Howard Lavine) | 1:00—2:45pm |
Breakout 5: w/ Howard Lavine | 2:45—3:30pm |
Session 6: Social Identity as Political Psychology (Steve Reicher) | 3:30—5:15pm |
End of Day | 5:30pm |
Group Dinner | 6:30pm |
June 29th | |
Coffee | 8:00—8:30am |
Breakout 6: w/ Steve Reicher | 8:30—9:15am |
Session 7: The Political Psychology of Multiculturalism (Catarina Kinnvall) | 9:15—11:00am |
Breakout 7: w/ Catarina Kinnvall | 11:00—11:45am |
Group Lunch | 11:45—1:00pm |
Session 8: The Political Psychology of Elite Decision-Making (Juliet Kaarbo) | 1:00—3:00pm |
Instructor Roundtable and Closing Comments | 3:00—4:00pm |
ISPP Meeting Welcome Reception | 6:00—7:00pm |
Instructors and Courses
George E. Marcus
Course Title: The Neuroscientific Basis of Political Psychology
Department of Political Science
Williams College
Williamstown, MA 01267
Eva Green
Course Title: Individual and Contextual Explanations of Political Attitudes
Department of Social Psychology
University of Lausanne
Building Geopolis
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Nick Valentino
Course Title: Political Communication and the Media Effects Debate
Department of Political Science
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1045
Diana Mutz
Course Title: Population-Based Survey Experiments
School of Arts and Sciences
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Howard Lavine
Course Title: Open Versus Closed: Personality, Identity, and the Politics of Redistribution
College of Liberal Arts
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Steve Reicher
Course Title: Social Identity as Political Psychology
School of Psychology and Neuroscience
University of St. Andrews
St. Andrews KY16 9AJ
Catrina Kinnvall
Course Title: The Political Psychology of Multiculturalism
Department of Political Science
Lund University
223 62 Lund, Sweden
Juliet Kaarbo
Course Title: The Political Psychology of Elite Decision-Making
School of Social and Political Science
University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh EH8 9YL
Committee Members
Christopher Weber (Director)
School of Government and Public Policy
University of Arizona, AZ
Tereza Capelos
Institute of Conflict, Cooperation, and Security
University of Birmingham
Cengiz Erisen
Department of International Relations
TOBB University of Economics and Technology
Samara Klar
School of Government and Public Policy
University of Arizona, AZ
Joshua Ridenour, Administrative Assistant
School of Government and Public Policy
University of Arizona, AZ

July 11-13, 2016
Sheraton Warsaw Hotel,
Warsaw, Poland
Ul. B. Prusa2,, Warsaw 00-493
Program Schedule
July 11th | |
Registration and Coffee | 8:00—8:30am |
Introduction and Overview (Chris Weber) | 8:30—9:00am |
Session 1: Political Psychology: An Introduction Leonie Huddy and Stanley Feldman | 9:00—11:00am |
Session 2: Daniel Bar-Tal | 11:00—1:00pm |
Group Lunch / Break | 1:00—1:30pm |
Session 3: Helen Haste | 1:30—3:30pm |
Coffee Break | 3:30—4:00pm |
Session 4: Nick Valentino | 4:00—6:00pm |
Breakout Session: Group 1 (Huddy & Feldman) or Group 2 (Daniel Bar-Tal) | 6:00—6:50pm |
July 12th | |
Breakout Session: Group1(Helen Haste) or Group 2 (Nick Valentino) | 9:00—9:50am |
Session 4: Janusz Reykowski (Part 1) | 10:00—11:00am |
Session 5: Nick Wheeler | 11:00—1:00pm |
Lunch / Break | 1:00—1:30pm |
Session 6: Victor Ottati | 1:30—3:30pm |
Coffee Break | 3:30—4:00pm |
Session 7: George E. Marcus | 4:00—6:00pm |
BreakoutSession:Group1(Nick Wheeler), Group 2 (Victor Ottati), or Group 3 (George E. Marcus) | 6:00—6:50pm |
Free Time | 7:00pm |
July 13th | |
Session 8: Janusz Reykowski (Part 2) | 9:00—10:00am |
Session 9: Kevin Durrheim | 10:00—12:00pm |
Group Lunch / Break | 12:00—12:30pm |
Session 10: Molly Andrews | 12:30—2:30pm |
Coffee Break | 2:30—3:00pm |
BreakoutSession:Group 1 (Janusz Reykowski), Group 2 (Kevin Durrheim), or Group 3 (Molly Andrews) | 3:00—3:50pm |
Research Discussion | 4:00—5:00pm |
ISPP Meeting Opening Reception | 5:00pm |
Instructors and Courses
Leonie Huddy
Course Title: Introduction to Political Psychology (with Stanley Feldman)
Department of Political Science
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, N.Y. 11794-4392 USA
Stanley Feldman
Course Title: Introduction to Political Psychology (with Leonie Huddy)
Department of Political Science
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, N.Y. 11794-4392 USA
Daniel Bar-Tal
Course Title: Socio-Psychological Macro Analysis of Intractable Conflict
School of Education
Tel Aviv University
Tel Aviv, Israel 6997801
Helen Haste
Course Title: Exploring Youth Civic Identity Through Different Epistemologies
Graduate School of Education
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138 USA
Nick Valentino
Course Title: Political Communication: The Evolution Of The Media Effects Debate
Department of Political Science
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1045 USA
Janusz Reykowski
Course Title: Market System and Motivational Processes
University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Warsaw, Poland 03-815
Nick Wheeler
Course Title: Trust and the Transformation of Enemy Relationships
Department of Political Science and International studies
University of Birmingham
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Victor Ottati
Course Title: Open-Minded Cognition, Dogmatism, and Political Cognition
Department of Psychology
Loyola University Chicago
Chicago, IL 60660 USA
George E. Marcus
Course Title: The Neuroscientific Basis of Political Psychology
Department of Political Science
Williams College
Williamstown, MA 01267 USA
Kevin Durrheim
Course Title: Understanding Prejudice And Xenophobia: A Workshop On Discourse Analysis
School of Applied Human Sciences
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
Molly Andrews
Course Title: Exploring Political Narratives
School of Social Sciences
University of East London
London, United Kingdom
Committee Members
Christopher Weber (Director)
School of Government and Public Policy
University of Arizona, AZ, USA
Cengiz Erisen
Department of International Relations
TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Turkey
Samara Klar
School of Government and Public Policy
University of Arizona, AZ, USA
Joshua Ridenour, Administrative Assistant
School of Government and Public Policy
University of Arizona, AZ, USA

ISPP Summer Academy 2015
This year the ISPP Summer Academy will take place on June 30th – July 2nd 2015 at the Omni San Diego Hotel, in San Diego (CA, USA), the three days prior to the ISPP International conference which takes place at the same location.
Every year a new program is designed for scholars who are likely to teach political psychology and/or conduct political psychology research in the future. Fellows will receive a full fee waiver for the 2015 ISPP annual meeting, and free ISPP membership for one year.
The 2015 Summer Academy program hosts courses by prominent political psychology scholars. Fellows will attend 2.5 hour long course lectures and have the opportunity to discuss their research agendas in smaller breakout groups. They will also be invited to take part in a number of social activities with other fellows and instructors.
A small number of travel scholarships will be available to academic applicants who do not receive financial support from other sources to attend the ISPP Summer Academy.
Program Schedule
ISPP – Summer Academy, June 30th to July 2nd 2015
San Diego, CA, USA
June 30th, 2015
9.00- 9:30 | Registration and Coffee |
9.30 – 10.00 | Welcome and Introduction to the 2015 Summer Academy Program |
10.00 – 12.30 | Session 1 (Introduction to Political Psychology) by Stanley Feldman and Leonie Huddy |
12.30 – 13.30 | Group Lunch |
13.30 – 16.00 | Session 2 by George E. Marcus |
16.00- 16.30 | Coffee Break |
16.30 – 19.00 | Session 3 by David Sears |
19.00 – 19.30 | Break |
19.30 – 21:00 | Group Dinner |
July 1st, 2015
9.00 – 9.50 | Breakout Discussion Group 1 (Stanley Feldman and Leonie Huddy) or Group 2 (George E. Marcus) |
10.00 – 12.30 | Session 4 by Catarina Kinnvall and Paul Nesbitt-Larking |
12.30 – 13.30 | Group Lunch |
13.30 – 16.00 | Session 5 by Molly Andrews |
16.00 – 16.30 | Coffee Break |
16.30 – 19.00 | Session 6: Kate Reynolds |
19.10 – 20.00 | Breakout Discussion Group 3 (David Sears) or Group 4 (Catarina Kinnvall and Paul Nesbitt-Larking) |
20.00 onwards | Free time |
July 2nd, 2015
9.00 – 9.50 | Breakout Discussion Group 5 (Molly Andrews) or Group 6 (Kate Reynolds) |
10.00 – 12.30 | Session 7 by Jack S. Levy |
12.30 – 13.30 | Group Lunch |
13.30 – 16.00 | Session 8 by Kristen Monroe |
16.00 – 16.30 | Coffee Break |
16.30 – 17.20 | Breakout Discussion Group 7(Jack S. Levy) or Group 8 (Kristen Monroe) |
17.30- 19.00 | Research Exhibition and Reception |
19.00 onwards | Free time |
The ISPP-Summer Academy fees follow a tiered structure based on the country of origin of the applicant. Please see the following attached file for the fee structure per country.
2015 ISPP-SA Fees (85.8KB – Requires Adobe Reader)
The ISPP Summer Academy fellows will receive:
- Free ISPP Annual Membership
- Waiver of Participation Fees for the ISPP Annual Conference
Travel Scholarships
A small number of travel scholarships are available from the Summer Academy for strong applicants who do not receive support funding from their institution or other sources. In addition, all applicants for the ISPP-Summer Academy are encouraged to apply for the Junior Scholar ISPP travel scholarships. For more information please refer to the ISPP Junior Scholars website.
Instructors and Courses
The 2015 ISPP Summer Academy instructors are internationally prominent political psychologists from the fields of psychology and political science.
Click on the instructors’ names to visit their website and read more about their research.
Molly Andrews, Course Title: Exploring Political Narratives
School of Social Sciences
University of East London
London, UK
Stanley Feldman, Course Title: Introduction to Political Psychology (with Leonie Huddy)
Department of Political Science
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York, USA
Leonie Huddy, Course Title: Introduction to Political Psychology (with Stanley Feldman)
Department of Political Science
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York, USA
Catarina Kinnvall, Course Title: The Political Psychology of Multiculturalism (with Paul Nesbitt-Larking)
Department of Political Science
Lund University
Lund, Sweden
Jack S. Levy, Course Title: Psychology and Foreign Policy
Department of Political Science
89 George Street, Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ. 08901-1433
George E. Marcus, Course Title: The Neuroscientific Basis of Political Psychology (Course Sponsored by ECPR and the ECPR Political Psychology Standing Group)
Political Science Department
Williams College
Williamstown, Massachusetts, USA
Kristen Monroe, Course Title: Politics, psychology and moral choice, from altruism to genocide
School of Social Sciences,
University of California, Irvine
California, USA
Paul Nesbitt-Larking, Course Title: The Political Psychology of Multiculturalism (with Catarina Kinnvall)
Department of Political Science
Huron University College
Ontario, Canada
Kate Reynolds,Course Title: Building successful diverse communities: What works and why?
Research School of Psychology
Australian National University
Canberra, Australia
David O. Sears, Course Title: Intergroup politics: The tension between general psychological theories and specific historical contexts
Department of Psychology
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Los Angeles, California, USA
How to Apply
The application submission deadline for the 2015 ISPP-SA has been extended.
*** NEW DEADLINE: APRIL 15th 2015 ***
Existing applicants will be notified on admissions decision by the end of April.
Your application and supporting documents must be submitted by April 1st 2015. Applications received after this date will not be considered.
Application Form
Application form available for download here in PDF format or in MS Word Format.
Please download the application form, fill in your details, sign it, and email it to Stavroula Chrona, Department of Politics, University of Surrey.
Your application must contain:
1. Completed application form
2. Short CV
Please return your application exclusively by email!
To apply for the ISPP Summer Academy you will need to have a good standard of English – speaking, reading and writing. This is important because all courses are offered in English.
Contact ISPP Summer Academy
Tereza Capelos, Director
University of Surrey, UK
Esra Çuhadar Gürkaynak
Bilkent University, Turkey
Cengiz Erisen
TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Turkey
Leonie Huddy
Stony Brook University, NY, USA
Felicia Pratto
University of Connecticut, CT, USA
David Winter
University of Michigan, MI, USA
Stavroula Chrona, Administrative Assistant
University of Surrey, UK
To stay updated with out latest news and updates like our facebook page!

ISPP Summer Academy 2014
The 2014 Summer Academy will take place on July 1st- 3rd in Rome, in the three dates prior to the ISPP Annual Scientific Meeting.
***Application submission for the 2014 ISPP Summer Academy is now closed. Information on the 2015 ISPP Summer Academy will be available soon.***
The Summer Academy’s central objective: to spread interest and promote training in political psychology around the world.
The Summer Academy fellows: every year a new program is designed for young scholars who are likely to teach political psychology and/or conduct political psychology research in the future.
The 2014 Summer Academy: This year, the Summer Academy will be held in Ergife Palace Hotel, Rome, Italy in the three days prior to the ISPP International conference.
The 2014 Fellows: Fellows will receive a full fee waiver for the 2014 ISPP annual meeting, and free ISPP membership for 2014.
Our 2014 Instructors and Courses: This year the Summer Academy program hosts eight courses by prominent scholars from the field of Political Psychology: Gian Vittorio Caprara, (Sapienza University of Rome), Bettina Davou, (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Nicolas Demertzis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Stanley Feldman (Stony Brook University) Stephen Frosh, (Birkbeck College University of London), Peter Hegarty (University of Surrey), Leonie Huddy, (Stony Brook University) and George Marcus, (Williams College).
Program Schedule
ISPP – Summer Academy, July 1st – 3rd 2014
Program Schedule
July 1st, 2014 | |
9.00- 9:30 | Registration and Coffee |
9.30 – 10.00 | Welcome and Introduction to the 2014 Summer Academy Program |
10.00 – 12.30 | Session 1: Leonie Huddy |
12.30 – 13.30 | Group Lunch |
13.30 – 16.00 | Session 2: George Marcus |
16.00- 16.30 | Coffee Break |
16.30 – 19.00 | Session 3: Stanley Feldman |
19.00 – 19.30 | Break |
19.30 – 21:00 | Group Dinner |
July 2nd, 2014 | |
9.00 – 9.50 | Breakout Discussion Group 1 or Group 2 |
10.00 – 12.30 | Session 4: Steven Frosh |
12.30 – 13.30 | Group Lunch |
13.30 – 16.00 | Session 5: Gian Vittorio Caprara |
16.00 – 16.30 | Coffee Break |
16.30 – 17.20 | Breakout Discussion Group 3 or Group 4 |
17.30 – 20.00 | Session 6: Bettina Davou |
20.00 onwards | Free time |
July 3rd 2014 | |
9.00 – 9.50 | Breakout Discussion Group 5 or Group 6 |
10.00 – 12.30 | Session 7: Peter Hegarty |
12.30 – 13.30 | Group Lunch |
13.30 – 16.00 | Session 8: Nicolas Demertzis |
16.30 – 17.00 | Coffee Break |
17.00 – 17.50 | Breakout Discussion Group 7 or Group 8 |
18.00- 19.30 | Research Exhibition and Reception |
19.30 onwards | Free time |
Instructors and Courses
The 2014 ISPP Summer Academy instructors are internationally prominent political psychologists from the fields of psychology and political science.
Click on the instructors’ names to visit their website and read more about their research.
Gian Vittorio Caprara, Course Title: Personalizing politics
Department of Psychology
Rome Università di Roma “La Sapienza”
Rome, Italy
Bettina Davou, Course Title: Political action, motivation and the socio-political context of felt emotions
Department of Media and Communication Studies
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Athens, Greece
Nicolas Demertzis, Course Title: Political Cynicism and Alienation
Department of Media and Communication Studies
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Athens, Greece
Stanley Feldman, Course Title: Psychological Bases of Political Ideology
Department of Political Science
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York, USA
Peter Hegarty, Course title: Sexual Politics in Nature/Nurture Cultures
School of Psychology
University of Surrey
Guildford, Surrey, UK
Leonie Huddy, Course Title: Introduction to Political Psychology
Department of Political Science
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York, USA
Stephen Frosh, Course Title: Psychoanalysis as Political Psychology
Department of Psychosocial Studies
Birkbeck College
University of London
London, UK
George Marcus, Course Title: The Neuroscientific Basis of Political Psychology
Political Science Department
Williams College
Williamstown, Massachusetts, USA
The ISPP-Summer Academy fees follow a tiered structure based on the country of origin of the applicant. Please see the following attached file for the fee structure per country.
Tiered Participation Fees 2014 ISPP Summer Academy
The ISPP Summer Academy fellows will receive:
- Free ISPP Annual Membership
- Waiver of Participation Fees for the ISPP Annual Conference
Grants and Fellowships
All applicants for the ISPP-Summer Academy are encouraged to apply for the Junior Scholar ISPP travel scholarships. For more information please refer to the ISPP Junior Scholars website.
How to Apply
***Application submission for the 2014 ISPP Summer Academy is now closed. Information on the 2015 ISPP Summer Academy will be available soon.***
Your application and supporting documents must be submitted by March 14th 2014.
Applications received after this date will not be considered.
Application Form
Application form available for download here in PDF format or in MS Word Format.
Please download the application form, fill in your details, sign it, and email it to Stavroula Chrona, School of Politics, University of Surrey.
Your application must contain:
1. Completed application form
2. Short CV
Please return your application exclusively by email!
To apply for the ISPP Summer Academy you will need to have a good standard of English – speaking, reading and writing. This is important because all courses are offered in English.
Travel Scholarships
Applicants for the ISPP-Summer Academy (that are planning to present a paper in the Annual ISPP Conference) are encouraged to apply for the Junior Scholar ISPP travel scholarships.
For more information please refer to the ISPP Junior Scholars website.
Contact ISPP
Tereza Capelos, Director
University of Surrey, UK
Esra Çuhadar Gürkaynak
Bilkent University, Turkey
Cengiz Erisen
TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Turkey
Leonie Huddy
Stony Brook University, NY, USA
Felicia Pratto
University of Connecticut, CT, USA
David Winter
University of Michigan, MI, USA
Stavroula Chrona, Administrative Assistant
University of Surrey, UK

***Application submission is now closed***
More information on the 2014 ISPP Summer Academy will be available soon.
The Summer Academy’s central objective: to spread interest and promote training in political psychology around the world.
The Summer Academy fellows: every year a new program is designed for young scholars who are likely to teach political psychology and/or conduct political psychology research in the future.
The 2013 Summer Academy: This year, the Summer Academy will be held in Herzliya, Israel, in the three days prior to the ISPP International conference.
The 2013 Fellows: Fellows will receive a full fee waiver for the 2013 ISPP annual meeting, and free ISPP membership for 2013.
Our 2013 Instructors and Courses: This year the Summer Academy program hosts seven courses by prominent scholars: Bettina Davou (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), Catarina Kinnvall (Lund University), Richard R. Lau (Rutgers University), Paul Nesbitt-Larking (Huron University College), David O. Sears (UCLA), Jim Sidanius (Harvard University) and an introductory course in Political Psychology by Leonie Huddy and Stanley Feldman (Stony Brook University). Fellows will also discuss their research agendas in smaller breakout groups, and take part in a number of social activities.
International Society of Political Psychology
International Society of Political Psychology- Junior Scholars Blog
ISPP Annual Scientific Meeting, July 8-11, 2013 in Herzliya, Israel
Contact Information
Tereza Capelos, Director
Cengiz Erisen
Felicia Pratto
David Winter
Stavroula Chrona, Administrative Assistant
For more information please contact
Dr. Tereza Capelos []
Completed applications and their supporting material should be emailed to
Stavroula Chrona []]
The ISPP-Summer Academy fees follow a tiered structure based on the country of origin of the applicant. Please see the following attached file for the fee structure per country.
Tiered Participation Fees 2013 ISPP Summer Academy
The ISPP Summer Academy fellows will receive:
- Free ISPP Annual Membership
- Waiver of Participation Fees for the ISPP Annual Conference
Grants and Fellowships
All applicants for the ISPP-Summer Academy are encouraged to apply for the Junior Scholar ISPP travel scholarships. For more information please refer to the ISPP Junior Scholars website.
How to apply
***Application submission is now closed***
Applications for the 2013 ISPP-SA are currently under review. All applicants will be notified of their admission decision by April 20, 2013.
Application Deadline
The deadline to apply for the 2013 ISPP Summer Academy has been extended to March 24, 2013.
Your application and supporting documents must be submitted by March 24, 2013.
Applications received after this date will not be considered.
Application form available for download here (in PDF format) ; (in MS Word format).
Please download the application form, fill in your details, sign it, and email it to Stavroula Chrona, University of Surrey.
Please return your application exclusively by email!
Your application must contain:
1. Completed application form
2. Short CV
Applicants will be notified of the status of their application by April 20, 2013.
To apply for the ISPP Summer Academy you will need to have a good standard of English – speaking, reading and writing. This is important because all courses are offered in English.
Travel Scholarships
Applicants for the ISPP-Summer Academy are encouraged to apply for the Junior Scholar ISPP travel scholarships. For more information please refer to the ISPP Junior Scholars website.
Instructors and Courses
The 2013 ISPP Summer Academy instructors are internationally prominent political psychologists from the fields of psychology and political science.
Click on the instructors’ names to visit their website and read more about their research.
Bettina Davou, Course Title: Political action, motivation and the socio- political context of felt emotions
Department of Media and Communication Studies
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Athens, Greece
Stanley Feldman, Course Title: Introduction to Political Psychology (with Leonie Huddy)
Department of Political Science
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY, USA
Leonie Huddy, Course Title: Introduction to Political Psychology (with Stanley Feldman)
Department of Political Science
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, New York, USA
Catarina Kinnvall, Course Title: Multiculturalism, Conflict and Integration
Department of Political Science
Lund University
Lund, Sweden
Richard R. Lau, Course Title: Studying Political Decision Making
Department of Political Science
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Paul Nesbitt-Larking, Course Title: Multicultural Identities and Citizenship
Department of Political Science
Huron University College
Ontario, Canada
David O. Sears, Course Title: Intergroup politics: The tension between general psychological theories and specific historical contexts
Department of Psychology
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Los Angeles, California, USA
Jim Sidanius, Course Title: Theory of Gendered Prejudice
Department of Psychology
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
2013 ISPP SA Students
In 2013 the ISPP Summer Academy invited students from several disciplines such as:
- Psychology
- Political Science and IR
- Sociology and Social Sciences
Program Schedule
Thursday July 4, 2013 | |
9.00- 10:00 | Registration and Coffee |
10.00 – 10.30 | Welcome and Introduction to the 2013 Summer Academy Program |
10.30 – 13.00 | Introduction to Political Psychology by Stanley Feldman and Leonie Huddy |
13.00 – 14.00 | Group Lunch |
14.00 – 16.30 | Session 1 by Jim Sidanius |
16.30- 16.45 | Coffee Break |
16.45 – 19.15 | Session 2 by Richard Lau |
19.15 – 20.00 | Break |
20.00 | Group Dinner |
Friday July 5, 2013 | |
8.30 – 11.00 | Session 3 by Paul Nesbitt-Larking |
11.00 – 11.30 | Coffee Break and snacks |
11.30 – 14.00 | Session 4 by Bettina Davou |
14.00 onwards | Free time |
Saturday July 6, 2013 |
Free time |
Sunday July 7, 2013 | |
8.30 – 11.00 | Session 5 by David Sears |
11.00 – 11.30 | Coffee Break and snacks |
11.30 – 14.00 | Session 6 by Catarina Kinnvall |
14.00- 15.00 | Group Lunch |
15.00 – 16.00 | Breakout Discussion Group 1 with Jim Sidanius or Group 2 with Bettina Davou |
16.00 – 16.15 | Coffee Break |
16.15 – 17.15 | Breakout Discussion Group 3with David Sears or Group 4with Catarina Kinnvall |
17.15 – 17.30 | Coffee Break |
17.30- 18.30 | Breakout Discussion Group 5 with Paul Nesbitt-Larking or Group 6 with Richard Lau |
18.30- 19.00 | Break |
19.00- 20.30 | Research Exhibition and Reception |
SHUTTLES TO THE SUMMER ACADEMY AND GENERAL CONFERENCE SITE: Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, IDC–Herzliya, Israel
*Shuttles to the ISPP Summer Academy (and General Conference) Site will be leaving from the H’Sharon Hotel.
*More information on the shuttle service will be available shortly (shuttle daily timetable, maps with directions, alternative means of transportation etc).
Accommodation bookings are the responsibility of the fellows.
ISPP central office has managed to secure a guaranteed price for Summer Academy Fellows at the H’Sharon Hotel (located on the seashore of Herzliya, 6km from IDC Herzliya).
Special group rates for the 2013 ISPP Summer Academy fellows at the H’Sharon Hotel are as follows:
Single room: 165$ per night
Double room: 195$ per night (2 people sharing a room will pay each 97.5$ per night)
Triple room: 270$ per night (3 people sharing a room will pay each 90$ per night)
The above rates include breakfast.
Visa Information
Many countries including the US and EU member states have a Visa Waiver Program with Israel which allows their citizens to visit Israel without a visa arranged in advance. Before embarking on a trip, visitors must check if they need a prearranged tourist visa.
Additional information on passport and visit information and details of visa requirements are available on the government of Israel websites below:
Ministry of Tourism, website – click here
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, website – click here
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, website- Visa Waiver Program – list of countries – click here

ISPP Summer Academy 2012
International Society of Political Psychology – Summer Academy (ISPP-SA), July 3rd- 5th, 2012 in Chicago, USA
The Summer Academy’s central objective: to spread interest and promote training in political psychology around the world.
The Summer Academy fellows: every year a new program is designed for young scholars who are likely to teach political psychology and/or conduct political psychology research in the future.
The 2012 Summer Academy: This year, the Summer Academy will be held in Chicago, USA, in the three days prior to the ISPP International conference.
The 2012 Fellows: Fellows will receive a full fee waiver for the 2012 ISPP annual meeting, and free ISPP membership for 2012.
Our 2012 courses: This year the Summer Academy program hosts five new courses by prominent scholars: Susan Condor (Lancaster University), Jack Levy (Rutgers University), Victor Ottati (Loyola University Chicago) Felicia Pratto (University of Connecticut), Jerrold Post (George Washington University) and an introductory course in Political Psychology by Leonie Huddy and Stanley Feldman (Stony Brook University). Fellows will also discuss their research agendas in smaller breakout groups, and take part in a number of social activities.
Last year, the first ISPP Summer Academy took place between the 6th and 8th of July 2011 in Istanbul, Turkey, and was attended by a truly interdisciplinary group of 36 fellows from the USA, Europe and Turkey, with research agendas in Psychology, Politics and IR, Social Sciences and Humanities. Prominent political psychologists offered short courses addressing cutting edge theoretical debates and key methodological approaches to political psychology, on Terrorism (Martha Crenshaw), Political Leadership (Peg Hermann), Multiculturalisms, Conflict and Integration (Catarina Kinnvall), the Social Psychology of Protest (Bert Klandermans), Social Identity (Steve Reicher), Inequality and Social Dominance (Jim Sidanius) and Key Debates in Political Psychology (Stanley Feldman and Leonie Huddy).
International Society of Political Psychology
ISPP Annual Scientific Meeting, July 6th- 9th, 2012 in Chicago, USA
Tereza Capelos, Director
Cengiz Erisen
Felicia Pratto
David Winter
Stavroula Chrona, Administrative Assistant
For more information please contact:
Dr. Tereza Capelo
Completed applications and their supporting material should be emailed to:
Stavroula Chrona
Fees and Accommodation
The ISPP-Summer Academy fees follow a tiered structure based on the country of origin of the applicant. Please see the following attached file for the fee structure per country.
Tiered participation Fees ISPP SA
The participation fees cover the cost of tuition and do not include the cost of accommodation and meals.
Applicants will be notified of the status of their application by April 15th. Fees should be paid by May 15th.
Information on the payment method will follow shortly.
Accommodation bookings are the responsibility of the fellows.
More information about accommodation will be updated shortly.
The ISPP Summer Academy will provide a set number of meals (coffee breaks, group lunches and group dinners) to its fellows as indicated in the program. Meal costs outside the ISPP Summer Academy program time are the responsibility of the fellows.
The ISPP Summer Academy fellows will receive:
- Free ISPP Annual Membership
- Waiver of Participation Fees for the ISPP Annual Conference
Grants and Fellowships
All applicants for the ISPP-Summer Academy are encouraged to apply for the Junior Scholar ISPP travel scholarships. For more information please refer to the ISPP Junior Scholars website.
How to apply
Application Deadline:
Your application and supporting documents must be submitted by April 2nd, 2012.
Applications received after this date will not be considered.
Application form available for download here (in PDF format) ; (in MS Word format).
Please download the application form, fill in your details, sign it, and email it to Stavroula Chrona, University of Surrey.
Please return your application exclusively by email!
Your application must contain:
1. Completed application form
2. Short CV
Applicants will be notified of the status of their application by April 15th.
To apply for the ISPP Summer Academy you will need to have a good standard of English – speaking, reading and writing. This is important because all courses are offered in English.
Travel Scholarships
Applicants for the ISPP-Summer Academy are encouraged to apply for the Junior Scholar ISPP travel scholarships. For more information please refer to the ISPP Junior Scholars website.
Instructors and Courses
The 2012 ISPP Summer Academy instructors are internationally prominent political psychologists from the fields of psychology and political science. Their courses address a variety of theoretical issues and key methodological approaches to political psychology such as include Foreign Policy Decision Making, Social Identity, Power and Conformity, Intergroup Violence and Conflict, Media Impact and Political Communication Effects.
Click on the instructors’ names to visit their website and read more about their research.
Click on the course titles to read the specifics of each course and access the reading material provided by the instructors.
Fellows will be responsible for reading the provided materials in preparation of the courses.
Susan Condor, Course Title: Methodological dilemmas in research on prejudice
Lancaster University
Fylde College
Lancaster LA1 4YF
United Kingdom
Stanley Feldman, Course Title: Introduction to Political Psychology
Department of Political Science
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, N.Y. 11794-4392
Leonie Huddy, Course Title: Political Partisanship and Ideology as Emotionally Charged Social Identities
Department of Political Science
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, N.Y. 11794-4392
Jack S. Levy, Course Title: Psychology and Foreign Policy
Department of Political Science
89 George Street, Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ. 08901-1433
Victor Ottati, Course Title: Metaphor and Political Cognition
Department of Psychology
Loyola University Chicago
6525 N. Sheridan Rd.
Chicago, IL, 60626
Felicia Pratto, Course Title: The Political Psychology of Power Dynamics
Department of Psychology
University of Connecticut
406 Babbidge Road, Unit 1020
Storrs, CT 06269-1020
Jerrold M. Post, M.D., Course Title: The Psychology of Political Crime
Professor of Psychiatry, Political Psychology, and International Affairs and Director of the Political Psychology Program The Elliott School of International Affairs The George Washington University
1957 E Street, NW
Room 600-F
Washington, D.C. 20052
2012 ISPP SA Students
In 2012 the ISPP Summer Academy invited students from several disciplines such as:
- Psychology [ 20 students]
- Political Science and IR [ 17 students]
- Sociology and Social Sciences [ 5 students]
Program Timeline
Tuesday July 3, 2012 | |
10.00- 11.30 | Registration |
11.30 – 12.00 | Welcome and Introduction to the 2012 Summer Academy Program |
12.00- 14.00 | Introduction to Political Psychology by Stanley Feldman |
14.00- 15.00 | Group Lunch |
15.00 – 17.30 | Session1 by Victor Ottati (Metaphor and Political Cognition) |
17.30 – 17.45 | Coffee Break |
17.45 – 20.15 | Session 2 by Leonie Huddy (Political Partisanship and Ideology as Emotionally Charged Social Identities) |
20.30 | Group Dinner |
Wednesday July 4, 2012 | |
8.30 – 11.00 | Session 3, by Susan Condor (Methodological Dilemmas in Research on Prejudice) |
11.00 – 11.30 | Coffee Break |
11.30 – 14.00 | Session 4, by Jack Levy (Psychology and Foreign Policy) |
14.00- 15.00 | Group Lunch |
15.00 – 16.00 | Breakout Group Discussion 1 or 2 |
16.00 – 17.00 | Breakout Group Discussion 3 or 4 |
17.00 onwards | Free time |
Thursday July 5, 2012 | |
8.30 – 11.00 | Session 5 by Felicia Pratto (The Political Psychology of Power Dynamics) |
11.00 – 11.30 | Coffee Break |
11.30 – 14.00 | Session 6 by Jerrold Post (The Psychology of Political Crime) |
14.00- 15.00 | Group Lunch |
15.00- 16.00 | Breakout Group Discussion 5 or 6 |
16.00- 17.00 | Break |
17.00- 19.00 | Research Exhibition and Reception |
Program Content
Overview session: this session provides a survey of political psychology focusing on specific problems and approaches.
Substantive sessions: these sessions will cover theoretical and methodological advancements in specific areas of research.
Breakout Groups: these interactive sessions give the opportunity to fellows to discuss their own research projects and ideas.

ISPP Summer Academy 2011
In July 2011, ISPP will launch the inaugural International Society of Political Psychology – Summer Academy (ISPP – SA) which will occur from July 6th till 8th in Istanbul, Turkey, just prior to the 2011 annual meeting.
The ISPP – SA is designed as a three-day workshop, to be held each year immediately prior to the ISPP annual meeting, and aims to train interested faculty and students in both foundational and cutting edge research in the area of political psychology. The Summer Academy’s central objective is to spread interest and promote training in political psychology around the world. The Summer Academy will occur in conjunction with the ISPP International conference, providing its fellows a unique opportunity to engage with a truly international mix of participants.
ISPP invites applications for the ISPP – SA program from Turkish and international scholars interested in learning more about political psychology. The three-day Summer Academy will hold morning and afternoon seminars and break-out discussion sessions, and will include a number of social events for instructors and fellows.
For 2011, the maximum enrollment will be 30 participants. We encourage particularly graduate and advanced undergraduate students to apply. A preference will be given to young scholars who are likely to teach political psychology and/or conduct political psychology research in the future. A good knowledge of English is essential.
The Summer Academy will address a variety of theoretical issues and key methodological approaches to political psychology; likely topics include Foreign Policy Decision Making, Social Identity, Power and Conformity, Intergroup Violence and Conflict, Multiculturalism and Integration, Social Hierarchies, Terrorism, Media Impact and Political Communication Effects.
Instructors will include internationally prominent political psychologists from the fields of psychology and political science. The Summer Academy fellows will be expected to attend the ISPP annual meeting in Istanbul, from July 9th till 12th, which will include several special events and sessions for Summer Academy fellows. The Summer Academy Fellows will receive a full fee waiver for the ISPP annual meeting, and free ISPP membership for 2011.
For information on how to apply, click here.
The deadline for applications is April 1, 2011.
For more information about the program please contact Tereza Capelos, ISPP – SA Director, [].
Contact Information
Tereza Capelos, Director
Cengiz Erisen, Assistant Director
Felicia Pratto
David Winter
Stavroula Chrona, Administrative Assistant
For more information please contact
Dr. Tereza Capelos
Completed applications and their supporting material should be emailed by April 1st 2011 to
Stavroula Chrona
Fees and Accommodation
The ISPP-Summer Academy fees follow a tiered structure based on the country of origin of the applicant.
The participation fees cover the cost of tuition and do not include the cost of accommodation and meals.
Applicants will be notified of the status of their application by April 15th. Fees should be paid by May 15th. Information on the payment method will follow shortly.
Accommodation bookings are the responsibility of the fellows. For useful information about location of hotels in Istanbul you can download our Mini Travel Guide document here.
The ISPP Summer Academy will provide a set number of meals (coffee breaks, group lunches and group dinners) to its fellows as indicated in the program. Meal costs outside the ISPP Summer Academy program time are the responsibility of the fellows.
The ISPP Summer Academy fellows will receive:
- Free ISPP Annual Membership
- Waiver of Participation Fees for the ISPP Annual Conference
Grants and Fellowships
All applicants for the ISPP-Summer Academy are encouraged to apply for the Junior Scholar ISPP travel scholarships. For more information please refer to the ISPP Junior Scholars website.
Turkish students might be eligible for funding by Turkish grants –detailed information will follow soon.
Culture Events
International İstanbul Jazz Festival, July 1st-19th, 2011. The program of the İKSV festival is available here.
How to apply
Application Deadline:
Your application and supporting documents must be submitted by 1st April 2011.
Applications received after this date will not be considered.
Application form available for download here.
Please download this PDF application form, fill in your details, sign it, and email it to Stavroula Chrona, University of Surrey []. If you require an application form in Word format, please email Stavroula at the same address.
Please return your application exclusively by email!
Your application must contain:
1. Completed application form
2. Short CV
Applicants will be notified of the status of their application by April 15th.
We received a very large volume of applications – more than we expected — and it is taking us a little longer to get through them all — decisions will be emailed to all applicants by May 15th.
We advise Summer Academy applicants who have also submitted paper / poster proposals to the ISPP Conference to proceed with regular ISPP conference registration. The ISPP conference registration costs for ISPP Summer Academy Fellows will be reimbursed upon confirmation of their selection for the summer program.
To apply for the ISPP Summer Academy you will need to have a good standard of English – speaking, reading and writing. This is important because all courses are offered in English.
Travel Scholarships
Applicants for the ISPP-Summer Academy are encouraged to apply for the Junior Scholar ISPP travel scholarships. For more information please refer to the ISPP Junior Scholars website at:
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