Funding Opportunities

An overview of Political Psychology funding opportunities

As a society dedicated to the promotion ad furthering of the field of Political Psychology, ISPP maintains a number of limited funding opportunities for students and professors who are in need of assistance while furthering those aims.

One such opportunity is a small travel grants program to help junior scholars attend our conferences, thus helping them to both present their work and to learn more about the field.

We also have a small grants program, which is specifically aimed at projects that strengthen our organization, expand international membership, and promote excellence in political psychology.

Travel Grants Program

The International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP) Early Career Scholars Committee awards a set number of junior scholars $500-$1,000 USD each year for travel to the ISPP Annual Meeting.

Learn more about this funding opportunity.

Small Grants Program

In 2008, the ISPP Governing Council decided to use a portion of the income from ISPP investment funds for small grants that further the goals of ISPP. This program has been temporarily suspended.

Learn more about this funding opportunity.

Previous Awardees

This is a listing of all previous grants awardees, including the year the grant was made and the purpose for which it was given.

See list of awardees here.