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The ISPP Early Career Committee is the name for the former Junior Scholars Committee. The name was changed in July 2015 with the support from the ISPP Governing Council.
Let’s talk Political Psychology!
The ISPP Early Career Committee (ECC) gives voice and visibility to the needs and interests of graduate students, junior faculty and other early career scholars within ISPP. An Early Career Scholar is a graduate student or person within eight years of having earned their degree.
Throughout the year, we keep early career scholars updated with our activities through our social media accounts and biannual newsletter. We also provide opportunities for early career scholars to contribute to our monthly blog features.
During the annual meeting, we offer personal development opportunities (roundtables and elevator pitch workshop), networking opportunities (social hour), and mentorship opportunities (mentoring lunch). More information on the ECC’s activities can be found below.
ISPP’s Elevator Pitch
Introducing your research concisely and compellingly
Ask yourself, “What is my research about?” If you cannot answer this in less than a minute in a clear and concise way, you need an elevator pitch!
What is an elevator pitch?
An elevator pitch is a clear, concise, and compelling description of your research which could be understood by anyone and takes no longer to say than an elevator ride. An elevator pitch can be shared informally and orally in various professional contexts.
Why an elevator pitch?
You only have one opportunity to make a first impression, and it needs to be a good one! Having a well-planned elevator pitch can take the stress out of networking and prevent you from being tongue-tied when someone asks you about your research. A good elevator pitch will make you feel more confident and encourage others to have more confidence in you. Being able to present your research in a short amount of time is an excellent skill for scholars on the job market.
ISPP’s elevator pitch workshop
At the ISPP annual conference we often hold an elevator pitch event in which early career political psychologists learn how to present their research in conversation, in a brief, interesting and memorable way. At this event, you will work with senior scholar mentors to learn how to develop an effective elevator pitch. After the training, you will be given the opportunity to present your own elevator pitch and get invaluable feedback from the mentors.
The ISPP Early Career Committee (ECC) hosts several websites to support the efforts of graduate students and early career scholars in ISPP. These pages provide information regarding resources, current events and ways to get involved in ISPP activities. Links to these pages can be found below. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to e-mail the ECC. For more information on the ECC purpose and its members, please scroll to the bottom of this page.
The Early Career Committee manages a blog in order to share information and ideas related to political psychology. We encourage you to use this website to learn about upcoming events and network with other scholars.
See the most recent posts and join the conversation!
ISPP Early Career Scholars Newsletters
The Early Career Committee disperses an e-newsletter several times each year that contains information regarding award applications, committee nominations, early career scholar events at the annual meetings and much more.