Carly Wayne, Washington University St. Louis
The winner for the Jim Sidanius Early Career Award is Carly Wayne (Assistant Professor, Washington University in St Louis). While we received numerous very strong nominations, we feel that her file stands out for being particularly strong. As aptly summarized by her nominee, “You will see from her CV that she is an extraordinary young scholar, already widely published and having a major impact only 4 years after her PhD was granted. I count 1 award-winning Stanford Press book with Alex Mintz, another coauthored text at Cambridge, 12 peer reviewed papers already published, and many other papers under review or in preparation. Her dissertation won 3 major awards, including Best Dissertation in Political Psychology in 2019. At this writing, her work has already been cited more than 800 times according to Google Scholar, and her rate of impact is steeply increasing. She has been invited to give dozens of presentations at universities and workshops around the world, despite the pandemic, since 2019. This is an astounding level of productivity, impact, and acclaim for someone so young.” Dr Wayne is highly deserving of this award and we are thrilled to be able to announce her as the 2024 winner of the Jim Sidanius Early Career Award.