What’s going on in ISPP?
This area of the site is for us to let you know what’s going on in the world of ISPP, inform you of upcoming events and deadlines, and to provide our members with a place to share news and announce upcoming events and opportunities that they might have.
Most Recent Announcements
- Call for Journal Special Section SubmissionsISPP’s flagship journal, Political Psychology, is issuing a call for submissions for an upcoming special section on empathy and perspective-taking in national security, human security, and conflict settings. Please see THIS DOCUMENT for the full call and details. Short abstracts/summaries are due May 2025.
- Call for Volunteers: Scholars at Risk, Volunteer Proofreader InitiativeSAR invites interested individuals to participate in the Volunteer Proofreader Initiative by offering professional, individualized edits and suggestions to CVs, cover letters, teaching statements, and other documents relevant to the academic job search. By providing professional edits and recommendations, you will help not only in addressing a scholar’s immediate proofreading needs but also in supporting… Read more: Call for Volunteers: Scholars at Risk, Volunteer Proofreader Initiative
- New on the ISPP blog: “Caught Between Two Worlds: The Unique Experiences of Second-Generation Afghan Immigrants in Iran” In this insightful article, Saeed Keshavarzi explores the challenges faced by second-generation Afghan immigrants in Iran, focusing on their complex relationship with the host society. The piece delves into their struggle with social identity loss—feeling disconnected from both their Afghan heritage and Iranian society—and examines how this impacts their sense of belonging, well-being, social networks, and access… Read more: New on the ISPP blog: “Caught Between Two Worlds: The Unique Experiences of Second-Generation Afghan Immigrants in Iran”
- Political Psychology Special Issue – Call for PapersISPP’s journal announces a call for papers for a SPECIAL ISSUE: Responding to socio-political challenges online through radical or extreme narratives and alternative forms of collective identities. Please see the full call and summary for information. Submission of proposed papers (outlined with abstracts/short summary): 15th April 2025.
- ISPP ECC Newsletter (Issue I, 2024) is Now Available!Featured in this issue is the Chair’s Address by Dr. Myrto Pantazi, along with the 2024 Issue I Theme: ‘Bridging Conceptual Gaps: Reflections on Populism through the Lens of System Justification’ by Lisa Zanotti. You’ll also find advice from Sandra Obradović on ‘The Popularity of Populism and its Challenges for Researchers.’ Additionally, you’ll hear from… Read more: ISPP ECC Newsletter (Issue I, 2024) is Now Available!
- Call for Blog Articles: Early Career Scholars 2024The ISPP Blog publishes short articles about research or issues of interest to the political psychology community. The Early Career Committee (ECC) invites Early Career Scholars (graduate students or scholars who have received their PhD within the past 8 years) whether they are already ISPP members or willing to join, to contribute articles to the… Read more: Call for Blog Articles: Early Career Scholars 2024
- Call for Workshop Papers: The Politics of Stigmatization and Human Insecurities in Hybrid Regimes WorkshopThe Keyman Modern Turkish Studies at Northwestern University and the Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign invites applications to the workshop “Politics of Stigmatization and Human Insecurities in Hybrid Regimes: Actors, Mechanisms, and Responses.” The workshop will take place at Northwestern University on April 8 and 9, 2024. It… Read more: Call for Workshop Papers: The Politics of Stigmatization and Human Insecurities in Hybrid Regimes Workshop
- Call for Applications – ISPP Academy 2024!Join us in Santiago, Chile, from July 1-3, 2024 for the annual ISPP Academy, a unique opportunity to explore both foundational cutting-edge research and methodologies in political psychology! Application materials are due by 12PM EST on January 30th, 2024. Please see THIS DOCUMENT for full details.
- Call for papers: 40th anniversary of the Canadian Code of Ethics for PsychologistsA call for papers from the APA/CPA journal Canadian Psychology for a special issue honoring the 40th Anniversary of the Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists. Please CLICK HERE to view the Call.
- Call for Papers: ISPP 2024 Annual Meeting in Santiago, Chile!We are now accepting submissions for the 47th ISPP Annual Meeting, taking place July 4 – July 6, 2024, in Santiago, Chile! We’re accepting submissions for paper presentations, posters, panels, and roundtables until November 29, 2023. Please note there will be no further extensions. The conference theme is: Dismantling Democracy: Insecurity, emotions and authoritarian populism.… Read more: Call for Papers: ISPP 2024 Annual Meeting in Santiago, Chile!