A complete listing of the current ISPP leadership

Below are the Editors of ISPP Publications, Staff, Officers, and the at-large Members of the Governing Council. Please feel free to contact the Executive Director or any relevant Officer about any questions you may have about ISPP or about political psychology in general. For journalists and researchers, to obtain listings of experts in political psychology by subject areas, click here.

Interested in serving on ISPP’s Governing Council? The Governing Council is responsible for the decisions that guide the direction of ISPP. Nominations for the Governing Council are sought each year by the Nominating Committee and are announced on the website and in the newsletter. Self-nominations are welcome.

Editors of Political Psychology – Submit

Editors of Advances in Political Psychology

ISPPNews Editor – Newsletter Contact

Elaine Smith
University of Limerick

ISPP Central Office

Executive Director – E-mail

Executive Administrator – E-mail



Past President



David P. Redlawsk
University of Delaware
Executive Committee


Leonie Huddy
Stony Brook University
Executive Committee

Early Career Committee Chair

Myrto Pantazi
Université Libre de Bruxelles

Governing Council

Starting a third year in 2023:

Starting a second year in 2023:

Starting a first year in 2023:

View a list of all ISPP officers past and present HERE.

The bio statements for the 2024 election candidates can be viewed HERE. ISPP members, please review them before casting your votes in the 2024 elections, which will open in the first part of 2024.