- International Society of Political Psychology ISPP is a Non-profit Organization
- Founded in 1978
- 501c3 status granted by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the United States
- Conference and membership pricing estimated to cover basic costs and operating expenses
- Read ISPP’s 40-year History Diversity Report HERE.
- ISPP’s Journal, Political Psychology
- Editorial team
- Housed at University of Limerick, Ireland and Massey University, New Zealand
- ISPP Journal published by Wiley-Blackwell
- Articles published via Early View and ahead of their print issues are fully citable and are the final versions of record
- Political Psychology Apps: Free downloadable apps for both Apple and Android devices for ISPP’s journal publications, as well as the subject areas of politics and psychology from Wiley-Blackwell
- ISPP’s Advances in Political Psychology
- Editorial team
- Annual Supplement of the International Society of Political Psychology
- Advances published by Wiley-Blackwell
- ISPP’s Annual Meeting
- Program Committee oversees the submissions and the content of the sessions at ISPP’s Conference
- Central Office oversees all of the logistical planning and registration as well as the execution of the conference on site
- Volunteer opportunities: Volunteers at ISPP’s Annual Meetings receive free admission to the conference in exchange for assisting with conference preparations and tasks during the event
- Future and Past Conference pages provide more information
- Networking Opportunities
- Welcome Reception: An opening reception at the start of the Annual Conference/ Open to all/ Register for this reception when registering for the ISPP Conference
- Early Career Scholars Reception: A reception designed to bring together students and other early career scholars (those within eight years of their degree) within ISPP/ Open to all early career scholars/ Register for this reception when registering for the ISPP Conference
- Awards Reception: A reception following the Awards Ceremony to celebrate the accomplishments of the ISPP award winners/Open to all/ Register for this reception when registering for the ISPP Conference
- Mentoring Lunch: Luncheon offered at the ISPP’s Annual Meeting which pairs students with mentors/ Register separately for the luncheon when registering for the ISPP Conference/ Limited capacity in order to match mentors and mentees for a beneficial networking and learning experience
- Political Psychology Young Scholars Support
- Early Career Committee (ECC) gives voice and visibility to the needs and interest of graduate students, junior faculty, and other early career scholars within ISPP. An Early Career Scholar is defined as a graduate or doctoral student, or person within eight years of having earned their degree.
- Mentoring Lunch: Luncheon offered at the ISPP’s Annual Meeting which pairs students with mentors/ Register separately for the luncheon when registering for the ISPP Conference/ Limited capacity in order to match mentors and mentees for a beneficial networking and learning experience
- Travel Grants: ECC offers awards each year for travel to the ISPP Conference. The application process typically starts early in each calendar year and is posted on the ISPP web site.
- ECC Roundtables and workshops are offered at the ISPP Conference/ Roundtable topics are geared specifically for early career scholars/ Learn more about recent past ECC Roundtables in the programs from our Past Meetings web page
- ISPP Academy: The ISPP Academy is designed as a three-day workshop, to be held each year immediately prior to the ISPP annual meeting, and aims to train interested persons and students in both foundational and cutting-edge research in the area of political psychology
- Internationalization Initiatives
- Yearly changes in conference location with a goal to make the conference accessible to more people in different countries
- Cost of location and member input is taken into consideration for future conference locations and venues
- Leadership diversity: Efforts are made to balance geographic representation, areas of discipline, and gender on ISPP’s GC
- ISPP Ambassadors: Members reaching out to potential members and members near them for mutual support such as research collaboration, talk series.
- Inclusion in important ISPP activities: ISPP members from all around the world are asked to serve the Society in numerous roles, such as program chairs, section chairs, ISPP Academy instructors, awards committees, and a variety of other committees, ISPP Ambassadors, and by contributing web content to share with colleagues.
- Yearly changes in conference location with a goal to make the conference accessible to more people in different countries
- ISPP Operations and Governance
- Goals and actions of ISPP are decided by the Governing Council (GC)
- The Executive Committee (EC) is responsible for decisions made in between GC meetings
- Logistics and day-to-day operations of the association is managed by the Central Office (CO)
- ISPP has a Data Retention and Destruction Policy
- Some action items and considerations are deliberated on by specialized committees formed by the ISPP President
- GC Length of Terms
- President: One year
- Vice Presidents (3): Three years
- Past President: One year
- President Elect: One year
- Councilor: Five years
- Treasurer: Five years
- Journal Editor-in-Chief: Five years
- Director of Communications: Five years
- GC Members: Three years
- Committees
- Early Career Scholars Committee (ECC): Gives voice and visibility to the needs and interest of graduate students, junior faculty, and other early career scholars within ISPP
- Program Committee: Oversees the submissions and the content of the sessions at ISPP’s Annual Conference
- Awards Committees: ISPP has several awards that are presented each year at the Annual Conference. The nomination process for all awards begins in August/September of each year and closes in December (book awards) and January/February (all other awards). Contact information for the Committee Chair for each award can be found on the individual awards web pages. You can link to those pages from here.
- Finance Committee: Responsible for oversight of ISPP’s budget and financial planning, as well as directing how ISPP’s endowment funds should be invested and managed.
- Special Committees: Formed by the ISPP President to address specific matters that arise